Saturday, May 30, 2009

RIP Saturday and Monday editions

As many already know today was the last publication for the Saturday Herald-Press. Along with deciding to do away with Saturday's editions, the Monday edition also will be gone making the H-P a five-day a week newspaper. It is a sad day, but it is what the higher ups in our company feel needs to be done to help keep our newspaper surviving in these times. Sometimes it is hard to accept change, but we are going to need to because these are the decisions that have been made.
During the last few weeks as word has spread about the change, the main questions I get asked is what is going to happen come football season. With no more Saturday paper, it means no more football stories to read the day after the big games. But while there is no paper, those stories will still be there, just in another form. We will continue to cover the Dogwood Circle football scene as diligently as we have done in the past, but instead of the newspaper, those Friday night stories of your favorite area team, along with area box scores and football scores from around the state will be found on our web site either later on Friday nights or the wee hours of Saturday morning.
Sunday's edition of the Herald-Press will then recap those area games and have follow up stories from some of the top games in the area, giving our readers a more in depth perspective of the games in the area. In addition, we will continue to run area standings and stats and everything else that our readers have become accustomed to seeing during football season.

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